Chapter 2
Explore Finn's Fishbowl :)
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I try to be as silent as possible tip-toeing past both my parents' rooms so I don't wake them. My dad shouts. Over the stupidest things.
*Door shuts*
*Takes a deep breathe* I don't like being home. But when I am, my favorite thing to do is hang out with Finn. My fish! Here come see the amazing home I made for him in his fish bowl.
Look at the rainbow rocks and plants. Egg yolk treasure and googly eyes. Everything you could ever need is right here. I wish I was in there with you buddy.
*Hears shouts*
Oh no. I must have woken up my parents. They don't sound happy. No Finn don't be scared. I'm right here. Look I made you another awesome thing for your home. It's a picture of us. In our favorite field surrounded by flowers.
I like to fill Finn's Fish bowl with toys and beauty to protect him from the loud sounds at home. But tonight, it's extra loud.
*starts to panic* Here finn how about we pre- pretend we're swimming swimmi- ah it's too loud we have to get out of here. Don't worry Finn I'll protect you.
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*Door shuts*
*Takes a deep breathe* I don't like being home. But when I am, my favorite thing to do is hang out with Finn. My fish! Here come see the amazing home I made for him in his fish bowl.
Look at the rainbow rocks and plants. Egg yolk treasure and googly eyes. Everything you could ever need is right here. I wish I was in there with you buddy.
*Hears shouts*
Oh no. I must have woken up my parents. They don't sound happy. No Finn don't be scared. I'm right here. Look I made you another awesome thing for your home. It's a picture of us. In our favorite field surrounded by flowers.
I like to fill Finn's Fish bowl with toys and beauty to protect him from the loud sounds at home. But tonight, it's extra loud.
*starts to panic* Here finn how about we pre- pretend we're swimming swimmi- ah it's too loud we have to get out of here. Don't worry Finn I'll protect you.
Please follow the red arrow staight ahead and click next for Chapter 3

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